Business Finance Services Ltd.(BFS) are pleased to announce a new business co-operation. This is with our associate company the Independent Business Owners Support Services Ltd. (iBOSS). The arrangement will allow us to offer an even more comprehensive range of business services to both new and existing SMEs.
Why do we claim this?
The answer is simple:
- For more than 20 years BFS has been successfully arranging finance for SMEs.
- This finance has included everything from grants and loans to equity investment. To learn more about some of our successes follow this link https://bufinserv.co.uk/finance-success-stories
- We do not limit ourselves to one supplier of group of suppliers. We are truly independent, which means we are free to pick and choose the funding that best suits a client’s needs!
- Our directors all have long experience of working with, and for, both small businesses and large corporations. We have also all set up and run our own businesses. We therefore understand the pressures on small business owners/managers.
- One thing we all learned from an early stage was that a realistic business plan is essential both in raising finance and for planning growth of the business.
- With this in mind we set up iBOSS to provide the following:
– Business planning services.
– On-going advice on business management.
– Hands-on assistance in both purchasing or selling an established business. For details of a recent project successfully completed follow this link: https://theiboss.co.uk/category/iboss-blog/ .
What we now offer
So, as we say, we can now genuinely offer our clients a truly comprehensive set of services from raising finance to buying/selling a business. If we do not have specific expertise in any aspect of a project we will bring in trusted experts who do.
If you (or someone you know) would like to know more about our services then call Peter on 07770 866955 or Phil on 07876 503830 for a ‘no-strings’ chat, or visit our web sites www.businserv.co.uk and www.theiboss.co.uk and complete the enquiry form. We look forward to hearing from you.