Do you need finance for your business?
Are you planning to buy/sell a business?
Do you need to access finance to buy or start a business?

At Business Finance Services we don’t just arrange
commercial finance for our clients.
We also help them to:
Buy a Business.
Never bought one before? Don’t worry. We have! We can help and guide you
through the process!
Sell their Business.
Never sold one before? Looking to retire, or simply to move on, but need help in
preparing the business for sale and in finding potential buyers.
Whichever the case, the Team at BFS have practical experience. Not only have we helped
clients both buying and selling but we have done it ourselves, so understand the ‘pitfalls’ as
well as the short cuts!
To learn more about how we can help call us on 01327 349 779 or and ask for a free consultation.
For information on the other services we provide scroll down
Examples of Our Products & Services

Property Development and Bridging Finance
Flexible, reliable finance and sensible rates

Asset, Invoice & Trade Finance
We can help you to find solutions to ease your cash flow problems

Business Advice and Planning
Use the expertise of our associate company iBOSS to develop the best plans

Business Rescue and Recovery
Benefit from our years of experience in R&R

Crowdfunding and Angel Investment
We can guide you through this maze
What’s the best finance for my business?
At Business Finance Services, we know just how challenging it can be to find finance that’s suitable and affordable for your business.
So are you looking to:
- Start a business?
- Grow your business?
- Take on a new line of products?
- Invest in personnel and/or premises?
- Turnaround a struggling business?
- Acquire a business?
- Buy or develop a property?
You are, but your bank are unable to help! Then talk to us as we specialise in all aspects of business finance and may be able to help:
We can help source funding for:
- Working Capital
- Asset purchases
- Property acquisition and development
- Equity Investment
- Turnaround Finance (including help with CVAs).
- Business acquisition
How can BFS help you source the right funding?
An initial discussion with BFS will establish if the funding you require is obtainable. We will not waste your time or ours. Firstly we will tell you if BFS can obtain offers of such funding on your behalf. Secondly, there will be no charge for the initial discussion. That is unless any work is required before applying to funders, in which case we would quote you for that work prior to commencement. Thus, in most cases, fees are based purely on a success basis i.e you will only pay if BFS source the funding you have sought.
So, if you have a funding need, then do not hesitate to call us today on 07770 866 955, or you can email us at and request a free, no-strings, discussion.
Alternatively, please feel free to complete our enquiry form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We look forward to helping you source the finance your business requires.
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