Our Standards
- We will adhere to the terms of our agreement with you;
- We will always give you our utmost attention and deliver great service to you every time;
- We will provide expert advice and service, and will always use our expertise to find the best possible solution, or range of solutions, for you and your business;
- We will treat all our dealings with you confidentially;
- We will attend our meetings with you on time;
- We will be honest and open in all our dealings with you;
- We will respond to all written communications from you, including emails, within one working day;
- We will communicate with you clearly and concisely, in an easily understandable manner;
- We will respond the same working day if you leave a telephone message before 1.00 pm; and in the case of a message left after 1.00 pm, we will respond by 1.00 pm the following working day;
- We will only contact you outside normal working hours in an emergency
- We will refer business to you wherever we are able.
Your Standards
- You will adhere to the terms of our agreement with you;
- You agree to attend our meetings with you on time. If you need to cancel, or are delayed, you will let us know by telephone or text (not email) at the earliest possible opportunity;
- You will treat our team respectfully and politely;
- You will be honest and open in all your dealings with us;
- You will supply the information and documentation we request from you promptly, so we are able to look after your interests;
- You will only contact us out of normal working hours in an emergency;
- You will refer our services to your contacts wherever possible;
- You will tell us as soon as possible if you are dissatisfied with any aspect of our services, and then, if appropriate, follow our complaints procedure.
What if we don’t get it right?
We accept that we are not perfect, and there may be times when a client feels we have not given the service expected from us. We are committed to providing a highquality service to all our clients and when something goes wrong, we need them to tell us about it. This will help us to improve our standards.
In case of a complaint, the client should inform us by email, giving full details of the nature of the complaint, within 28 days of the complaint arising. We will investigate the matter and undertake to give a full response by email within ten working days.
If we believe the client’s complaint is valid, we will offer a solution to rectify the matter and/or make recompense to the client within ten working days. We do not however undertake to make financial restitution, other than in our own discretion.