A sale & lease-back agreement enables you to raise money against a significant asset. How it works is that you sell that asset to a finance company. You do, however, retain the use of it by making ongoing lease payments. The benefit is that you can used it as a means of quickly raising working capital where other options are not available to you. You may come across it referred to as ‘asset refinancing’.

Should I consider a Sale & Lease-Back Agreement?

This is not the most cost-effective way for you to raise working capital. If, however, your company is suffering severe cash flow problems, this offers you one possible solution.

As with other forms of asset finance, BFS can introduce you to lenders who will provide a lease-back facility. Call us on 0800 093 5240 for a free consultation or e-mail us at enquiries@bufinserv.co.uk and we will be happy to advise you.


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Recovery Loan Scheme