How can I raise Working Capital?

This is a ‘broad brush’ term that can be used to cover many of your business activities. Anything from business growth to Rescue and Recovery situations. The truth of the matter is that cashflow is the life blood of any business, including yours. With it you can expand and grow that business. Without it both supplies and clients soon dry up.

Raising and maintaining adequate levels of working capital can be one of your biggest problems to overcome. Often the difficulty is in knowing which is the best option.

“Should I go for”:

  • Asset Finance or Refinance.
  • Factoring/Invoice Finance.
  • A secured or un-secured Loan.
  • An Investor(s).
  • A mortgage or Bridging facility.

Whenever there is a need for finance it is always sensible for you to talk to your bank first. However, if they are unable to assist, then your next move should be to contact us. We offer a free, ‘no strings’ consultation. To take advantage of this either complete this enquiry form or simply call us on 0800 093 5240.

In many cases, resolving a client’s financial problems may involve more than one form of funding. This is where our skill and expertise is so important. We are not tied to any Lender or Group of Lenders. Thus we are free to choose the sources of funding that best meet your requirements. Our philosophy is never to go into any Client meeting with pre-determined ideas regarding the source of funding needed. We only make such recommendations once we have learned about our clients and their business needs.


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Recovery Loan Scheme